A Representation of This Brand's Purpose


Written by: Drew Gonzalez


As a freshman in highschool, fashion became a prominent aspect of my life. A creative spark ignited and became a raging fire of inspiration. I want to create a future, and a legacy that changes fashion. An insatiable hunger for success grew within me and my ambition intensified. An unstoppable attempt to change the world’s view was now in full force. A creative brain full with ideas is a force to be reckoned with, and to think that anyone could try to stop creativity is absurd. Everybody loves a good underdog story, and each day, I’m writing my own chapters to that story. A black sheep, looked over, paid no attention to. A black sheep, disregarded and marginalized. Nobody wants to recognize the bottom outlier. Not until that bottom outlier has passed up the masses, making a change, and serving a purpose. Doing something with their life that breaks the mold, breaking the mold of conformity and disregards playing by the rules. One cannot stand around and wait for life to happen. Instead one must be the life, make things happen, be the event, and live a life worth living. You have a single shot at this life thing. So why not make the best of it. Take risks, make mistakes, learn from them. Make friends, enjoy your time on earth. Your existence is quite literally a once in a lifetime opportunity. Words of wisdom are not the answer but rather a hint, simply a point in the right direction. And with those words, you can use them to your advantage. I’ve used the guidance of fashion icons to make something special. Creating an image for myself, an environment, an emotion. Creating an experience for the customer. A never-felt-before feeling, a mixture of euphoric memories, nostalgia of a never seen past, and a vision of a possible future. To take the wearer to a place of splendor, were sea salt brushes against their dry lips, with rosy cheeks and mittens, playing in the snow on a crisp January morning. To imitate the cozy heaviness of one’s eyes on a rainy autumn afternoon, and the smell of cherry blossoms with a fresh spring breeze. To be something sought after, something unique. To create a world that engulfs the soul without warning. To be something deeper that "just another clothing brand". An unreplicable feeling that can not be expressed in words, only a facial expression, an effect of emotion. An experience only felt by the ones with a passion for differentiating themselves. An experience made for those who choose to break the status quo, swim out of the current, and go against the grain. A legacy to be remembered in the future, a legacy to be honored as the one that changed the world’s view. Evidence that a youth’s brainchild can evolve into something iconic. A catalyst of creative expression, and a symbol of individuality. A beacon to that freshman in highschool.